Thursday, February 25, 2010

blog attempt: numero uno

"all of our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them"
- Walt Disney

yay for attractions!!
so to start off, i'd like to tell an interesting//weird story.
so, one might find this to be a tad superstitious, but the number 18 follows me EVERYWHERE.
1. Born on May 18th,
2. At 2:18 am.
3. 18 days LATE
4. Mom had to wait 18 hours before I decided to pop out.
5. The Chicago Cubs played an 18 inning game (still on May 18th)
6. Various points throughout my life 18 has come up somehow...
and NOW
7. My phone interview lasted exactly 18 minutes.
8. My letter states that I was accepted on February 18.

cool, huh?
welp, now that i shared that piece of basically useless information..
I'm crazyyyy excited about going to Florida in August! If I had the opportunity to choose which attraction to work top choices would be...
-Pirates of the Caribbean ( it's a family tradition to ALWAYS go on this FIRST when we go to Disney )
-Jungle Cruise
-Tower of Terror
-Great Movie Ride or..
-Rock 'n Roller Coaster

Obviously stuff like that is a long shot...but I've been told those recruiters find there way to people's blogs (cough, cough), i might as well just put it out there...

Enough rambling for now. Hope I did a decently alright okayish job on my first bloggy-ma-bobber.
adios for now!
